Bhopal Gas Massacre | One Night Show | Bhopal Disaster | Documentary | Seconds from disaster

2017-09-23 2

Bhopal Gas Massacre | One Night Show | Bhopal Disaster | Documentary | Seconds from disaster-
What does it cause-Methyl Isocyanides leak from Union Carbide India Limited storage tank
Deaths-Around 16,000 (Estimated)
Non-fatal injuries-At least 558,125
What happens earlier-During 1983 and 1984, there were leaks of MIC, chlorine, monomethyl amine, phosgene, and carbon tetrachloride, sometimes in combination.
Who was responsible-Victims of Bhopal disaster march in September 2006 demanding the extradition of American Warren Anderson from the United States?
Punishment-$17 million
Environment effect-When the factory was closed in 1986, pipes, drums and tanks were sold. The MIC and the Sevin plants are still there, as are storage of different residues. The isolation material is falling down and spreading.
Other impacts-In 1985, Henry Waxman, a California Democrat, called for a U.S. government inquiry into the Bhopal disaster, which resulted in U.S. legislation regarding the accidental release of toxic chemicals in the United States.